Pyright, ruff_lsp and Neovim

Struggled with this one for a while. If you’re going to use pyright and ruff language servers with Neovim, specifically Astronvim, add this to your astrolsp.lua file under config: pyright = { settings = { pyright = { disableOrganizeImports = true, -- Using Ruff }, python = { analysis = { ignore = { '*' }, -- Using Ruff }, }, }, } This will allow pyright to continue autocompletion, but let’s ruff handle the formatting and linting....

April 14, 2024 · 1 min · Dan

Text Editors

I seem to have a constant need to change text editors. One day it’s Sublime Text, the next VS Code and then ultimately I seem to always come back to Neovim, specifically the Astronvim distrobution. There’s just something about Neovim that feels right, you know? It’s quick, it’s no nonsense, and anyone that’s used Vim keybindings for any amount of time knows that they become addictive. You try to use them everywhere....

April 13, 2024 · 1 min · Dan